General Information


The official languages of the Congress are English and French. The lectures and debate sessions will be captioned in English or French, as arranged by organisers. Spanish and Mandarin translations of texts are also available.

Online Platform


  1. If you have registered for the Congress and General Assembly, you must still go and register with LIVETO in Finland, who are providing the online platform. Click here to do so. You should have received an email from If you have not, please check your junk mail.
  2. Make sure to use the same email address as the one you used for the conference registration.
  3. Without this registration you will not be able to view any of the Congress content!
  4. Once you have logged in, we encourage you to fill in your profile. This will help others to connect with you during the event.
  5. You can access the Chat function on the right-hand side of the window, and on the left side you can navigate to exhibitions, chat rooms, or other content.
  6. We recommend Chrome and Firefox as suitable browsers for the platform.
  7. If you are a moderator or a speaker, you should have received comprehensive instructions on how to participate. Please contact the IAC Office if you have not.

>> Please watch the introduction video  provided by LIVETO for a more detailed guide to the platform.




The 49th Congress and General Assembly of the International Academy of Ceramics took place online.

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